Boost Your Potential & Productivity at Work with Public Speaking & Communication Skills More about GPS

Experiential Learning - 80%

(Practice-Discussion-Study Case)

Experiential Learning - 80% (Practice-Discussion-Study Case) - Our Training is designed to have many practical, discussion, and case studies. So taht participants are actively involved. This way, the class atmosphere will be fun and effective for learning. Because participants relate their experiences in field with the training materialand look for solutions together with trainers and other participants. And when participants try to practice what is being taught, they will immediately get feedback from the trainer. in the end of the day, the skill transfer processwil optimal and training retention can last longer.


limit the number of participants per class or per facilitator to get maximum result

To ensure all of participants can focus on practicing and have 80% practice, we limit the number of participants to a maximum 10 people in each class. So, each participants gets more opportunity to practices in front of other participants. 

Through the "Autenthic Learning Tools (Canvas/Worksheet) that we have designed, we ensure that participants can easily conduct public speaking session (practice) in class study.

As for if the number of participants is large, we will add several facilitators to assist practice sessions in small group.

Provide an Online Stage with Real Audience

Provide an Online Stage with Real Audience

Public Speaking Simulation or Performance Testing in Front Of Real Audience. - We provide an online stage for participants to perform Public Speaking in front of real audience. That way, participants will get the experience of learning real public speaking, which is really in front of the public (totally stranger audience)

Comprehensive Material

Comprehensive Material

Training materials are prepared comprehensively. - Each training topic provides comprehensive phiosophical insight and practical skill so that the outcome of the training can give in-depth insight and are easy to practice or implement in daily work

Customized Training Module

Customized Training Module

Material can be tailored to the specific needs of the organization or company. - We provide free Training Needs Analysis sessions for clients that still have difficulty determining the objectives of the training needed, by looking at the obstacles and initial conditions of participants compared to the

15 Years Experienced Trainer

15 Years Experienced Trainers- Our trainers all undergo a strict fit and proper test process.

Our trainers all undergo a strict fit and proper test process. And each has its own spesific expertise beside Public Speaking. Some study Leadership and Human Learning Processes, some study Business Communication, some study Marketing & Service Excellence, and the rest study Persuasive & English Presentation. All combine into complete package of Pubic Speaking & Communication Skills services for Professional.

0 Years in Business
0 Clients and Trainees
0 Trainers


Meet our Team of Specialists

Surya Kresnanda

International Certified Coach, International Certified NLP Practitioner Trainer


Surya Kresnanda

Surya  Kresnanda 

Seorang Learning Partner yang telah berpengalaman dalam memfasilitasi pelatihan di bidang Presentation Skill, Communication, dan Personal Development. Kebiasaannya adalah menghadirkan pelatihan solutif  dan interaktif, menstimulus keaktifan peserta, dan disajikan dengan sederhana serta renyah.

Surya meraih pengakuan sebagai Certified Master NeuroLinguistic Communication Consultant dari NFNLP Florida USA. Pendidikan sarjana dijalani di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Program Studi Teknik Industri. Saat ini Surya sedang dalam proses menyelesaikan Disertasi pada Program Doktor Ilmu Pendidikan, Konsentrasi Manajemen Pendidikan, di Universitas Islam Nusantara (UNINUS) Bandung

Taruna Perdana

Public Speaker, Entrepreneur


Taruna Perdana

Taruna Perdana merupakan trainer Ganesha yang paling rutin memberikan materi seminar tentang komunikasi dan public speaking. Beliau menguasai ilmu tentang bahasa tubuh dalam public speaking dan penggunaan pakaian untuk memaksimalkan respon dari audiens.

Humble, dinamis, dan atraktif, merupakan gaya khasnya dalam setiap kelas public speaking yang dibawakan. Bersama Taruna, peserta dibawa masuk ke dalam pembelajaran sangat aktif sehingga jauh dari jenuh dan bosan.

Gatot Sandy Purnomo

BNSP Certified Trainer, English Trainer, Public Speaker, Voice Over


Gatot Sandy Purnomo

Gatot adalah seorang pebisnis di bidang pelatihan Bahasa Inggris, yang secara spesifik mengembangkan dan melatih kompetensi “English Presentation.” Sarjana lulusan Universitas Padjadajran, jurusan Administrasi Bisnis ini memiliki 15 tahun pengalalaman mengajar dan melatih kompetensi Bahasa Inggris sejak tahun 2005.


Kompetensi trainer beliau yang sudah tersertifikasi adalah : BNSP Certified Trainer, Certified TOEFL-ITP ® Teacher, Certified TESOL (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages) dari World TESOL Academy, London-UK, Certified NLP Practitioner from NFNLP Florida-USA, Certified NLTT Practitioner from IACTM, Tavernaro-Italy. 

Novan Yudhistira

Public Speaker, Entrepreneur


Novan Yudhistira

Novan telah berkecimpung dalam dunia Pendidikan dan Pelatihan sejak mahasiswa. Saat ini beliau tengah menekuni  dunia bisnis dan digital marketing.  Beliau menyelesaikan Pendidikan S-1 dan S-2 di Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Jember. Program sertifikasi kompetensi yang pernah beliau ikuti adalah : Certified Trainer & Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) dari Neo NLP Society, Certified Hypnotherapy dari Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH)

Why choose us?

3 Basic Steps to Succeed

Welcome to Ganesha Public Speaking, your trusted partner in building professional public speaking & communication skills. We are here to help your organization enhance employee competencies in delivering impactful presentations, communicating effectively, and leading with confidence. In todays competitive business landscape, communication is not just a tool - it is straegic advantage. Thats why we offer tailored training programs designed to address your organization's needs, from captivating presentations to fostering better team collaboration. Lets wor together to create a transformation in communication that drives your business growth.


Integrity that resonates with honesty, discipline, and sincerity brings the best quality of service to our clients.


Pelatihan kami didesain menyenangkan, aktif, penuh gairah & semangat, bernuansa kekeluargaan, dan yang terpenting : BEDAMPAK

Spesial untuk leader

Modul dan program kami didesain berdasarkan kebutuhan riset kebutuhan para leader

Spesialis kelas privat

Setiap kelas belajar dan pendampingan kami untuk dirancang eksklusif untuk 1 orang sampai 5 orang per program

Pendampingan praktek

Tidak hanya mendengarkan materi, anda juga didampingi oleh learning facilitator untuk praktek dalam jumlah banyak


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Ganesha Public Speaking adalah lembaga pelatihan profesional yang memulai kegiatannya sejak September 2009.

0811-325-1115/ 0812-3343-5693 [email protected] 0812-3343-5693